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Remote Working - Effectively

I have been working remotely for a while now. Summarising my learnings below, on how to make it work effectively & efficiently 💪🏻

Communicating Effectively 💬

  • Verbal communication can easily get lost. Log important meeting notes in a google doc for referencing purposes.
  • Prefer communication via a Video Call rather than a Voice Call. Human expressions create more openness and mutual trust. 🤝
  • Document / Write clearly to communicate clearly with your co-workers. Time & Space are big barriers in remote work.
  • Prefer to post work related communication in open / team channels rather than 1-1 chats. This keeps everyone on the same page and avoids confusion.

Sharing Publicly 👐

  • Publicly share as much as possible about your tasks.
  • Share a task's status before starting it and after completing it.
  • Openly share blockers so that they can be timely cleared by fellow workers.
  • Sharing your learnings can easily clear someone else's blocker. Group learning is exponential in nature.

Working Style 💻

  • Analyze 📈 a task before spending time on it.
  • Write your analysis in a structured manner to helps communicate your thoughts clearly and lucidly.
  • Use a tool like Hackmd to scratch your thoughts and share it with fellow developers.
  • It also acts as a knowledge base for any similar future tasks.
  • Designing a quick prototype, say in Figma to make sure that other stakeholders ( developer, scrum master, clients ) are on the same page will avoid rework.
  • Cross referencing resources on gitlab / github / bitbucket issue provides more context into the problem. Link issues, designs, analysis docs or even screenshots to the issue.
  • Add a before / after screenshot of the changes (➕/➖) made in a Merge Request / Pull Request.

Before and After

Tweet or DM me @Gautam__Jain to let me know your working style.